1 Comment | This entry was posted on July 6th 2009
This is the third in a series of posts relating to the mobile Web. This post will focus on social media. Part 2 looked into the mobile Web in one particular area of social media, blogging. In this post I will try and address social networking for the mobile web.

‘Social Media’
There aren’t too many people on the face of the earth that haven’t heard the term ‘social media’ or ‘social network’ at least once or twice. Attributed as one of the main results of, or maybe even catalysts for, ‘Web 2.0’, social media encompasses new ways to communicate and share information. It moves users from being passive viewers of information to contributors, authors and actively engaged agents in data.
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2 Comments | This entry was posted on June 16th 2009
This is the second post concerning the mobile web. In following posts I’ll consider in more detail some of the tasks that can increase your mobile web productivity and some of the tools that can be used to conduct these tasks. This installment will concentrate on mobile blogging.
Finding the time to write blog content is one of the hardest tasks of my personal working week. Should be easy right? Talking about topics very pertinent to you and your industry. But fact is thinking about topics, writing the content and taking care of all the other necessaries with copy writing is time consuming, but critically necessary.
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Comments Off on Unlocking The Web From Anywhere – Mobile Devices and The Web Part 1 | This entry was posted on May 26th 2009
This post looks at how mobile devices are unchaining us from our computers. And also how the ability to access digital information from anywhere can help you better keep up with your clients, customers, bolster your knowledge and generally boost your online presence.

Ok so, I’m definitely “that guy.” Inline at the store, in the corner at Starbucks, walking around in the mall, in the waiting room at the dentist…ON HIS PHONE. But, I’m not the guy constantly talking on it. Nope, I’m the guy quietly beavering away at something on my ‘little box’ as my Nan would put it.
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